Men's Spiritual Duty

1 Timothy 2:8 I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting;

Men, Men, Men!  We want to fix things.  We want to cut straight to the chase and get in the problem and find a solution.  What we first must do is pray.  Seek heaven, more specifically, seek our Father.  We need to 1st and foremost get our orders.  In every church, we must have men seeking the LORD.  That communication to heaven in vital to the health of the church.  I have found often, that men who neglect, no, when I neglect this, I tend to find myself leading from a distance, not knowing the LORDS agenda, discouraged and even doubting if God is will me.  But I only need to listen to Paul here under the Spirits dictates.  Seek the LORD lifting my empty hands to be filled by Him.  Getting clear revelation and orders to then walk after.  LORD, continue to mold me into a man who prays.

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