To Whom do you pray to?

Matthew 6:9  In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven...

This begins, not the LORDS prayer, but the model set by our LORD, to pray.  I will take a week or so, and dissect this.  When we pray, we are to pray in this manner, this way.
God is to be addressed as, our Father.  This speaks to the close relationship that Jesus has opened to us.  the term "our" implies personal relationship.  Abba, or Daddy.  All religions don't & cant know their god this closely.  We can and we must! 
Our Father dwells in heaven.  The supreme location in the universe, heaven, is His dwelling.  All those destined for heaven, are going to our Fathers house.
My focus then should be, Im talking to my God as my Father.  My Father who is in heaven!  What an privilege to be brought that close to God, to know Him as a Father.  All because of Jesus' work for me.

1 Comment

Sondra McKee - March 8th, 2024 at 7:38am

Indeed a privilege. I am so thankful that Jesus made the way for humanity to have a personal relationship with the Father. For me to have access to my Father.




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