God is Completer of All the Church

Revelation 1:4 John, to the seven churches which are in Asia:
Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne,

John wrote to 7 churches.  Obviously, there were more than 7 churches, even in that region.  Major churches, such as Jerusalem & Antioch, not mentioned.  Yet, the idea here is these 7 collectively represent the whole church.  Every church share some or all of these characteristics.  They also represent each person individually.  They also have a prophetic message to each one historically and in the order of church history as they were given.  Meaning, the early church was addressed in Ephesus and the church age now is spoken of through Laodicea.  Again, none of these churches were major hubs for Christianity, even Ephesus, but God picked these churches to represent His message!
Now, there are not 7 Holy Spirits!  That is a heresy. Benny Hen taught 9 persons of the Trinity!  False.  Seven is the number of completion.  The Holy Spirit is the completer of the whole church.  The same Spirit that leads the Ephesian church lead the church of Laodicia, well at least desired to!  There is only One Spirit of God.  Some even though these 7 Spirits were angels or such.  That cant be because they have a place & role only God has.  Keep it Simple is my guide when coming to biblical interpretation.  Using the word of God to interpret the word.  When I over complicate anything, well, I end up royally messing things up.  The Holy Spirit is the completer over all His church!  The importance & focus is never the church, it is always upon the LORD who bought the church with His blood, whom belong to Christ.  Men tend to make certain churches as headquarters of Gods direct revelation.  God reveals Himself to any and all His churches irregardless of size, impact, or works.  

1 Comment

Sondra McKee - July 2nd, 2024 at 6:59am

Amen. The essential truths of the Bible are clear to understand. Explained thoroughly and continuously throughout the Word. Following doctrines of men is also addressed in that same Word. Seeking the Lord through His Word, enlightened by the Holy Spirit is sustaining and fulfilling to our lives.





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