Jesus is the Faithful Martyr (witness)

Revelation 1:5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood,

What is a martyr? One who dies for what they believe? That act of dieing is not what makes a martyr, it may seal the fact of who they are!  The word is translated witness.  Some witnesses die naturally and some are killed!  What or whom are we martyrs for?  Jesus is a faithful Martyr unto God the Father!  He was the 1st to raise from the dead, not overlooking various examples of Gods resurrection power in Lazarus and the O.T. example also.  They were sinners and the grave had power over them until Jesus.  Jesus is sinless and corruption has zero effect over Him.  Those said examples also would go on to die again later, though in heaven now!  Jesus is the King of kings.  All kings will bow to Him either willingly or not.  
Now, this is were it gets very personal.  Although, Jesus loves all of humanity, He personally loves me! He washed me of my sins as no one else could.  And if I was the only one alive, He would of still made a way for me.  He would of still given His life so we could enjoy a full relationship.  Now, magnify that on Gods scale, billions of folks, yet personal relationships with each and everyone!  Is your mind blown yet?  I cant fathom the great love He has for us!

1 Comment

Sondra - July 3rd, 2024 at 7:29am

My mind cannot comprehend the love and compassion of the Lord either; but my spirit rejoices in Him.





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